SFP 10-14 can help you & your children (ages 10-14) prepare for the teen years. This program is a free and fun opportunity to strengthen family communication and promote family bonding.JustCommunity will host four cycles this fall. Each cycle includes seven weekly sessions including a family meal, free babysitting and a chance to win a $25 gift card. The program is for parents and their children ages 10-14.
Two cycles are available for the Palisades community, (the first cycle will begin on October 8th and run on Mondays and the second one in Palisades will begin on Ocotber 18th and run on Thursdays), the cycles for Pennridge and Quakertown will begin on November 1st and run on Thursdays.
Sign up for seven (7) weekly sessions that will include:
- Fun Family Games and Activities
- Engaging & Interactive Youth Activities
- Interaction with Other Parents
- FREE Family Meal Each Week
- FREE Childcare for Younger Siblings
- $20 Gas Gift Card Raffle Each Week
The first half hour of the program will be devoted to a communal dinner followed by an hour hour where teens and parents meet separately and then the final hour is dedicated to bringing parents and youth together.
Parents and caregivers will discuss a host of topics such as: the normal developmental changes in teenagers, helping teens to avoid risks and substance use, setting age appropriate limits, helping youth to understand rules and consequences, effective joint problem solving skills and ways to show love and support.
Youth will learn about and then practice making good decisions and setting goals, peer pressure resistance skills to avoid problems with drugs & alcohol, empathy and appreciation of parents/caregivers and ways to cope with stress.
Submit the form below or download one of the registration forms below to mail in or fax to Nina Stephens.
- Registration Form- Palisades Fall 2012
- Registration Form- Pennridge Fall 2012
- Registration Form- Quakertown Fall 2012
Registration is closed! Please check our current events schedule for upcoming trainings!