It’s back-to-school time…a stressful time for kids and teens as they’re faced with new academic challenges and social pressures. Research from the Partnership for a Drug-Free America shows the number one reason teens report for trying drugs is to help them handle school-related pressures.While your teen is getting back into “school mode,” let them know you’re there to help them handle stress in healthy ways. One way to open lines of communication and to start conversations about sensitive topics in a non-confrontational way is by talking to teens in their language: by texting with them.
Texting is a great way to show your support and stay connected to teens and tweens. And according to a 2008 survey for Samsung Mobile by Kelton Research, more than half of teens who text think it’s improved their relationship with their parents, and parents who text with their teens agree they communicate more often.
Not sure how 2 text with teens? Don’t let that stop you. Teen text lingo is its own language – little to no punctuation and lots of abbreviations!
Time to Talk Tips available to help you get you started!