40 Developmental Assets
UBHCHY 2012 Town Hall Meeting
On Tuesday, May 22nd the UBHCHY Coalition shared the 2012 Student Support Card at a town hall meeting held at the Perkasie campus of the Bucks County Community College. The meeting was attended by nearly 100 persons, of which one-third were high school students from the Palisades, Pennridge and Quakertown high schools.
The Search Institute Reports on UBHCHY Coalition's Student Support Card
Adapted from the Search Institute’s Article on the Upper Bucks Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Coalition. Read the original article here. Upper Bucks Healthy Communities • Healthy Youth Coalition used the results of a recent Attitudes and Behaviors survey to create a “Student Support Card“ (UBSSC) for their community. The document displays the current levels of … Read more
Community Mobilizer, Lee Rush, Pays Tribute to Search Institute Founder, Peter Benson
I first heard Peter Benson speak in 1995. Tim Duffey, an old friend from days spent in the Student Assistance Program (SAP) field brought Peter to one of our National SAP conferences to speak as a keynoter. I never forgot Peter and his message.
2012 Youth Surveys Conducted, Results Revealed Early Next Year
Insight into Assets: the Importance of a Caring Neighborhood
This month’s is “Caring Neighborhood” which is defined as when a child experiences caring neighbors living nearby. When I think of this asset, I realize that we may all have a different view of what our “neighborhood” is.
Building Assets: The Importance of Youth Programs
April’s Asset of the Month is Youth Programs. This critical Developmental Asset is important for our communities to support the children through youth programming.
justCommunity, Inc. Calling All High School Dramateaurs for the 2011 Winter Theatre Arts Festival!
justCommunity, Inc. will present the 2011 Theatre Arts Festival at the James Lorah House in Doylestown, PA on December 11, 2011 at 3:30 and 7pm.
Submissions for the 2011 Theatre Arts Festival are currently taking place and will be accepted until November 4, 2011.
2010 Prescription Drug Take Back Success! -Message from the UBHCHY Chair
In December of 2009, Upper Bucks Healthy Communities/Healthy Youth Chairperson, I attended a workshop in Washington, DC about Prescription Medication Take Back Programs. I learned that there is an epidemic in the U.S. due to the illegal use of prescription drugs.
Area Members Attend “Big Tent” Conference in Houston, TX
Each year the Search Institute based in Minneapolis, MN, (the organization responsible for initiating the national movement known as the “Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Initiative”) sponsors and hosts a large national, inter-generational conference.