A group of Palisades parents gathered on January 5th at the Ottsville Fire Company for a UBHCHY Coalition’s Parent Chat. The topic for the evening was Crime and Our Youth and the guest speakers were police officers from Upper Bucks County.
Prescription Drug Take Back
Over eighteen months, the Upper Bucks Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Coalition (UBHCHY) has participated in prescription drug take back days that have been sponsored nationally by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and locally most notably by the Bucks County District Attorney’s Office.
2012 Youth Surveys Conducted, Results Revealed Early Next Year
April 30th Drug Take-Back Day Results in 360 Pounds of Prescription Drugs Off Our Streets
Prescription drug abuse by teenagers is increasing at alarming rates and is the second most abused type of drug after marijuana. To help stem this rising tide, the federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) sponsored its second national prescription drug “take back day” on April 30th.
Local Parent Chat Nights Open the Floor for a Positive Parenting Exchange
The Parent Chats initiative is growing in Upper Bucks County! In the past two months two more successful Parent Chats have taken place. Both were held in the Palisades community and were moderated by UBHCHY Coalition Parent Educator, Judi Pason.
Upper Bucks to Hold May 2011 Youth Summit
On May 26th the UBHCHY Coalition will be hosting its annual Upper Bucks Youth Summit at the Upper Bucks YMCA. This year, participating schools include Milford Middle School, Palisades Middle School and Strayer Middle School.
Upper Bucks Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Coalition to launch ‘Parent Chats’
Generations ago our mothers had an occasional Tupperware Party or the Pot Luck Dinner over a card game to catch up on current events, their children’s successes and the latest parenting challenges.
Second Prescription Drug Take-Back Scheduled for November 13, 2010
Upper Bucks Healthy Communities Healthy Youth (UBHCHY) Coalition together with justCommunity, Inc. is proud to announce a second Prescription Drug Take-Back day scheduled for Saturday, November 13, 2010.
The 2010 Student Support Card Released
justCommunity, Inc., is the coordinating agency and fiscal agent for the Upper Bucks Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Coalition (UBHCHY) which conducts biennial youth surveys in local high schools.
justCommunity, Inc. names Karen S. Richter as the new Community Mobilizer for the Palisades Community
Lee Rush, justCommunity Executive Director, announced the appointment of Karen Richter as the new Community Mobilizer for the Palisades community, (defined by the geographic boundaries of the school district).