On Tuesday, May 22nd the UBHCHY Coalition shared the 2012 Student Support Card at a town hall meeting held at the Perkasie campus of the Bucks County Community College. The meeting was attended by nearly 100 persons, of which one-third were high school students from the Palisades, Pennridge and Quakertown high schools.
Student Support Card
The Search Institute Reports on UBHCHY Coalition's Student Support Card
Adapted from the Search Institute’s Article on the Upper Bucks Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Coalition. Read the original article here. Upper Bucks Healthy Communities • Healthy Youth Coalition used the results of a recent Attitudes and Behaviors survey to create a “Student Support Card“ (UBSSC) for their community. The document displays the current levels of … Read more
2012 Youth Surveys Conducted, Results Revealed Early Next Year
Area Members Attend “Big Tent” Conference in Houston, TX
Each year the Search Institute based in Minneapolis, MN, (the organization responsible for initiating the national movement known as the “Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Initiative”) sponsors and hosts a large national, inter-generational conference.
The 2010 Student Support Card Released
justCommunity, Inc., is the coordinating agency and fiscal agent for the Upper Bucks Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Coalition (UBHCHY) which conducts biennial youth surveys in local high schools.
Results of 2010 Student Support Card Released at Town Hall Meeting
Over 150 community leaders and youth came together at the James Michener Library in Doylestown, PA, to learn the results of the recent 2010 youth survey (UBHCHY Student Support Card) conducted with almost 3,000 teenagers in Upper Bucks County.
The 2008 Student Support Card Released
justCommunity, Inc., is the coordinating agency and fiscal agent for the Upper Bucks Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Coalition (UBHCHY) which conducts biennial youth surveys in local high schools.
Town Hall Meeting and Press Conference Highlights New Trending Data on Adolescent Behavioral Health in Upper Bucks County
Mr. Ken Shapiro, Deputy Administrator of the Federal Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program and Mr. Mike Pennington, Director of the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention were among the presenters who gave talks on a variety of topics.
The 2006 Student Support Card Released
justCommunity, Inc., is the coordinating agency and fiscal agent for the Upper Bucks Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Coalition (UBHCHY) which conducts biennial youth surveys in local high schools.